6 jul 2012

Repositorio de Opera para RHEL6 - CentOS - SL || Opera repo for RHEL6 - CentOS - SL

Nuevamente, buscando, como les dije que hagan, encontre que Fedora Russian empaqueta Opera para RHEL6, y que encontré?, Opera 12, si bien esta en la web de Opera, es mas comodo tenerlo con un simple yum update.
Entonces, agregamos el Fedora Russion non-free repo

Agregamos el repo:

1.- # wget http://mirror.yandex.ru/fedora/russianfedora/russianfedora/nonfree/el/releases/6.2/Everything/i386/os/russianfedora-nonfree-release-6-3.R.noarch.rpm && yum localinstall russianfedora-nonfree-release-6-3.R.noarch.rpm -y
2.- fixear el repo usando este post http://hackingthesystem4fun.blogspot.com.ar/2012/10/russian-fedora-repo-fixed-para-rhel-63.html
3.- # yum install opera

Es todo!.

Short English version

Again, browsing for the Fedora Russian repo, i see the Opera 12 rpm package for el6.
Is true, the rpm are in the Opera web page, but, i are lazy, and preffer make "yum update".
So, add the Fedora Russian non-free repo for el6

Add the repo:

1.- # wget http://mirror.yandex.ru/fedora/russianfedora/russianfedora/nonfree/el/releases/6.2/Everything/i386/os/russianfedora-nonfree-release-6-3.R.noarch.rpm && yum localinstall russianfedora-nonfree-release-6-3.R.noarch.rpm -y
2.- fix the repo using this parameters from the post http://hackingthesystem4fun.blogspot.com.ar/2012/10/russian-fedora-repo-fixed-para-rhel-63.html
3.- # yum install opera

Is all!

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