17 oct 2023

Mate Weather don't show the weather libmateweather is unable to retrieve weather data

Since 16 October 2023, mate weather is unable to retrieve weather data

The problem is that the Mate Team has changed the URL source for the weather and (genius - irony) they didn't do a redirect from old URL to new URL.

The suggestion in github is "edit libmateweather.so file"

Well, does not work and is a nasty way.

I did this in Arch but work for Manjaro and others (Ubuntu https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-mate/+bug/2039494) using the compilation way of Debian.

1.- Download the source $ wget https://pub.mate-desktop.org/releases/1.27/libmateweather-1.27.0.tar.xz

2.- $ tar xvf libmateweather-1.27.0.tar.xz

3.- edit libmateweather-1.27.0/libmateweather/weather-metar.c line 553 and replace




Save and exit (use nano, vim, etc)

Download the PKGBUILD https://gitlab.archlinux.org/archlinux/packaging/packages/libmateweather/-/raw/main/PKGBUILD

edit the PKGBUILD and replace the line:




In the same directory compress again the edited source code:

$ tar cfJ libmateweather-1.27.0.tar.xz libmateweather-1.27.0

Make the package:

$ makepkg -s --skippgpcheck --skipchecksums

$ sudo pacman -U libmateweather-1.27.0-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.zst

Done, weather is working again.