2 ago 2012

Actualizar Scientific Linux 6.2 a 6.3 RC1 | How to update Scientific Linux 6.2 to 6.3 RC1

Para actualizar Scientific Linux 6.2 a 6.3 RC1 es muy sencillo, solo sigan estos pasos, logueados como root:

1.- # yum --releasever=6.3 update
2.- # yum distro-sync
3.- # yum clean all
4.- # yum update
5.- # reboot
6.- # find / -print | egrep "rpm(new|save)$"
7.- Chequear los rpmsave y rpmnew y cambiarlos a como se debe.

Yo mismo realice la actualizacion y debo decir que de RC1 no tiene nada, anda todo perfectamente funcional

Short english version

For update Scientific Linux 6.2 to 6.3 RC1, yes, is released as RC1, for the moment, see the post SL6.3 is out
Is very easy, only make step by step logged as root:

1.- # yum --releasever=6.3 update
2.- # yum distro-sync
3.- # yum clean all
4.- # yum update
5.- # reboot
6.- # find / -print | egrep "rpm(new|save)$"
7.- Check the rpmsave and rpmnew files and rename it or make diff over both and change it.

I update my box, and... i can't see any RC1 software... all run very stable and fine.

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