24 mar 2015

oclHashCat 1.35 liberado | El password cracker mas veloz del mundo

Si tenes una tarjeta gragica AMD o nVidia quizas esta noticia te interese, ya que vas a poder hacer uso de CUDA que posee tu GPU para crackear como un campeon, mas allá de cuantos cores tenga tu CPU.

Asi es que la noticia llega a hack the system, donde olcHashCat se actualiza a 1.35.

Para los que no lo conocen, algunas de sus bondades:

  • Worlds fastest password cracker
  • Worlds first and only GPGPU based rule engine
  • Free
  • Multi-GPU (up to 128 gpus)
  • Multi-Hash (up to 100 million hashes)
  • Multi-OS (Linux & Windows native binaries)
  • Multi-Platform (OpenCL & CUDA support)
  • Multi-Algo (see below)
  • Low resource utilization, you can still watch movies or play games while cracking
  • Focuses highly iterated modern hashes
  • Focuses dictionary based attacks
  • Supports distributed cracking
  • Supports pause / resume while cracking
  • Supports sessions
  • Supports restore
  • Supports reading words from file
  • Supports reading words from stdin
  • Supports hex-salt
  • Supports hex-charset
  • Built-in benchmarking system
  • Integrated thermal watchdog
  • 150+ Algorithms implemented with performance in mind

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